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 IRRRL Refinancing Offers Veterans a Simple Way to Capitalize on Record Low Rates

Are you a veteran looking to update your current mortgage loan through IRRRL refinancing in The Kansas City Area?


As a VA-backed homeowner, you now have the opportunity to reduce your monthly payments with an interest rate reduction refinance loan (IRRRL).

Coupled with the IRRRL and America’s record-low interest rates, I can help simplify the process so that you can enjoy more flexibility within your home loan. More flexibility = more peace of mind.

Refinancing helps homeowners replace a current home loan with a new one under different terms. Veterans, or those serving in the military for at least six months, qualify for various VA lending advantages. Including the IRRRL refinance, veterans like you have access to benefits such as lower interest rates and monthly insurance premiums. These benefits also don’t require any down payments. 

Once you contact me, the steps are simple:

  1. You must have a VA-backed home.

  2. You must supply the “Note” that was used to originally secure the VA home loan (received at time of closing).

  3. Use the IRRRL to refinance your existing home.

  4. Certify that you currently live or used to live in the home covered by the loan.

  5. Enjoy your new lower, more stable monthly payment/interest rate.

While I don’t think we can ever say ‘thank you’ enough those who have served our country and put their own lives on the line for freedom, it is my goal to educate more veterans on the benefits of the VA interest rate reduction option so we can, together, help make their lives better.

Navigating the traditional VA loan refinance process is often complicated. Because of this, I strive to provide elite service to discuss VA lending options and secure IRRRL refinancing swiftly for clients.

If you are a VA homeowner, please contact me today to take advantage of low-interest rates and apply for the IRRRL refinancing option.

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Kansas City Mortgage Guy

Kansas City, MO 64155

816-414-3239 | will@kcmortgageguy.com

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